Sep 23Liked by Alma Katsu

Our new house has a 3rd floor, with a little room that I immediately claimed for my office (I've always had to write at my old secretary desk in the living room, among kids, tv, noise, etc.). I was so excited - not only have I always wanted a house with a third floor, but my office is beautiful, it's peaceful, the light is amazing, my secretary desk looks fantastic in it, and it's... up two long flights of stairs and away from everything! So, I still usually write at the kitchen table... among kids, tv, noise, etc. !

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So funny! I think a third-floor aerie is a dream for most writers but it might take a while to get used to being away from activity. Then again, some writers prefer working in a coffee shop than home alone. I have a friend who has a dream aerie tucked at the top of her huge home, and she said she never writes there, either, because it's so isolated.

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Sep 23Liked by Alma Katsu

I know - I'm sorely disappointed in myself. I think it would be a different story if the officedog would stay up there with me (I even brought up one of his beds), but he won't!

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shame on him

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Sep 23Liked by Alma Katsu

I write at our river house at one of those long church-supper tables topped with a teak bathmat that keeps my laptop from overheating. My view is of books, but I have have framed heron flag in which I can see a reflection of the view or anyone coming up behind me.

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Another lover of long tables! And the framed flag: very feng shui and practical!

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I loved my longer, narrower desk, but it doesn't fit in this space where I work, but I also think part of my issue is that my desk set up is for work-from-home, not creative work. I also tend to prefer paper and pen when creating before putting anything in Word format. I also no longer have an office with a door, so everything is distracting these days.

I am glad you found a new arrangement that could help your writing and creativity.

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Great reminder that everything is specific to the task at hand.

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Sep 23Liked by Alma Katsu

I have papers and notes and pens scattered all over the desk. And books. I keep Stephen King's On Writing next to my desk so that I remember how easily I could be like him when he was writing Cujo.

And now I also keep Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird next to Stephen because they make good company.

And the desk looks out the window at the street so one of the two cats I inherited when I got married nine months ago can come in and look at the geckos and try to get them through the window screen.

I'm not sure my wife would have married me had she known that I am visually organized. If I don't see it in front of me, it either doesn't exist or I have no need for it even if I do.

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I guess it becomes a problem if she's like me and doesn't want clutter. At nine months, you're still in the honeymoon phase!

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Sep 23Liked by Alma Katsu

We bought a house with our youngest son & are now in a 775 sf apartment inside the main house. I originally had my small IKEA desk in front of the bedroom window, but my ADHD self kept drifting away--oh look a bird. Turning it 90 degrees to face the bed with it's bright orange Boho comforter and fabulous sunflower art makes it a cheery place to work on my next food gardening book. Alternatively, I love using the large kitchen/dining peninsula when I really need to spread out. During the renovation, when I was living in the garage/workshop, I had a narrow folding table in front of the boxed appliances that served as my writing area. My motto is Semper Gumby (always flexible).

Alma, I loved when you talked about writing on the subway. I earned my bachelor's degree on the S- and U-Bahns and buses of Berlin.

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Funny, too, how many offices we end up making for ourselves in one lifetime. Big or small and cozy. I love seeing other writers' places.

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Sep 23Liked by Alma Katsu

Need a view of water. Bathtub doesn’t count!

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I wish. West Virginia is a lovely state, but there are few natural ponds. We had a "seasonal pond" at our last cabin, a depression in the woods that would collect water in the winter and spring. It meant peepers all through the spring.

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Sep 23Liked by Alma Katsu

I like to have a nice office to work in also. We spend more time working then we do at home or relaxing. Sad but true. 😉

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True. Now that I'm writing for a living, I never turn it off. Feel bad for my husband.

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